Jambi Province Farmers Exchange Rate May 2020 by 98.55 or down 3.53 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency

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Jambi Province Farmers Exchange Rate May 2020 by 98.55 or down 3.53 percent.

Release Date : June 2, 2020
File Size : 0.43 MB


  • Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) of Jambi Province in May 2020 was 98.55, down 3.53 percent compared to the previous month's NTP. The decrease in NTP was due to the Farmer Received Price Index (IT) which fell by 3.39 percent while the Farmer Paid Price Index (Ib) rose by 0.15 percent.
  • In May 2020, the Jambi Province NTP for each subsector was recorded at 100.49 for the Food Crop subsector (NTPP); 94.08 for the Horticulture sub-sector (NTPH); 98.52 for the People's Plantation Plant sub-sector (NTPR); 97.00 for the Animal Husbandry sub-sector (NTPT) and 103.68 for the Fisheries sub-sector (NTNP) consisting of Capture Fisheries (NTN) of 105.66 and Aquaculture (NTPi) of 97.06.
  • Rural inflation in Jambi Province was recorded at 0.20 percent. Inflation occurred in nine household consumption groups, namely the Food, Beverage and Tobacco group, the Clothing and Footwear group; Household Equipment, Equipment and Routine Maintenance group; Health group; Transportation group; Information, Communication and Financial Services group; Recreation, sports and culture groups; Food and Beverage / Restaurant supply groups and Personal Care and Other Services groups. Whereas deflation occurred in the Housing, Water, Electricity and Household Fuels group. Meanwhile in the Education group there was no change in the index.
  • The Agriculture Household Exchange (NTUP) of Jambi Province in May 2020 was 99.18, down 3.37 percent compared to NTUP in the previous month.
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