The value of exports from Jambi Province was US $ 125.80 million and the import value was US $ 4.62 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency

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The value of exports from Jambi Province was US $ 125.80 million and the import value was US $ 4.62 million

Release Date : June 2, 2020
File Size : 0.58 MB


  • The value of exports from Jambi Province in April 2020 decreased by 29.65 percent compared to the previous month from US $ 178.81 million in March 2020 to US $ 125.80 million in April 2020.
  • Jambi Province's April 2020 import value increased by 58.38 percent compared to the previous month, from US $ 2.92 million in March 2020 to US $ 4.62 million in April 2020
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