Training of National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) March 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency

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Training of National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) March 2019

Training of National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) March 2019

February 3, 2019 | BPS Activities

Sunday (03/02/2019), Head of BPS of Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency, Irna Afrianti officially opened the National Socio-Economic Survey Field Training (SUSENAS) Officer in March 2019 at the Odua Weston Hotel, Jambi City. Accompanying Wijayanti Agustini as Head of Sub-Division of Administration of BPS of Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency, and Zulfichar Anggara as national instructors.

Irna Afrianti said that BPS has implemented this SUSENAS more than 5 (five) decades, so how important the data will be generated later from this survey. "This Susenas is rich in important data and information, especially for central and regional governments as policy makers, where the data is used as material for planning, monitoring, and evaluating development programs that have been carried out," he explained.

"Many important data will be generated such as poverty rates, school participation rates, health and family planning levels, some SDGs indicators are also generated from data that you collect in the field," he continued.

The Susenas implementation in March 2019 was integrated with the Study of Indonesian Toddler Nutrition Status (SSGBI), so that the implementation would be continued with SSGBI activities in April 2019 by officers from the Ministry of Health.

In closing, Irna reminded all field officers who were trained to be able to focus and digest all the materials and training materials provided by the instructor. "This training is intended to unite the perceptions of officers in understanding concepts and definitions, as well as cases that will occur in the field. Due to the importance of the data that will be produced later, cooperation from all officers is requested to be able to focus and digest all the material provided, and do data collection in accordance with the SOP so that the resulting data will maintain the quality and describe the actual conditions, "he concluded.

Officer training is carried out in 2 waves where wave I is from 3-6 February 2019, while wave II is from 7-10 February 2019.

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